[C38] Craig's List

littlebreeze at comcast.net littlebreeze at comcast.net
Fri Sep 10 04:06:11 EDT 2010

I saw this add or statement on Craig's list the other day and thought the list might enjoy it. 

Kerry Grimes 
Little Breeze, 139 
San Francisco 
----- Forwarded Message ----- 
From: littlebreeze at comcast.net 
To: littlebreeze at comcast.net 
Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2010 1:41:39 PM 
Subject: MINT condition used sailboats... - $2 (San Rafael) (san rafael) 

littlebreeze at comcast.net has forwarded you this craigslist.org posting. 

Please see below for more information. 

Visit the posting at http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/boa/1941572959.html to contact the person who posted this. 
MINT condition used sailboats... - $2 (San Rafael) 
Date: 2010-09-07, 1:34PM 

30 year old sailboats do not need keel bolts. After 30 years the rust creates a permanent bond between the hull and keel. The keel bolts are designed to be sacrifical on most catalina and hunter boats. If you want to check and see if the keel is well fastened to the boat do this: remove the floorboards exposing the keel bolts. Take a wire brush to the tops of the keel bolts/nuts. Brush hard. If the metal "goes away", you are in luck! the keel has been fully adhered to the hull by osmotic action. Boats that have been professionally restored in San Rafael DO NOT REQUIRE keel bolts, they are just unsightly protrusions that create extra weight. 
Frank Butler's Mom. 

    • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests 

Original URL: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/boa/1941572959.html 

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