[C38] List of paid up members as of 7/1/11

Michael Norcross manorcross at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 15:38:17 EDT 2011

Steve, I'm not on the list but joined May 31 and was notified by Anders of payment received. 
Look forward to future Cat38 discussions.

Mike Norcross
Escape #318

On Jul 8, 2011, at 2:05 PM, S Orton <ssorton at hotmail.com> wrote:

> All,   Below is a list of Cat 38 members who have paid their 2011 dues.  If you are not on this list you will not be receiving the August MAINSHEET nor will you have login privileges to our web site until you rejoin.  I have given a six month grace period for joining and it is not fair to those who have paid to continue this grace.  There are about 33 members who have not submitted their dues for the year.  Next year I would like to shorten this grace to 3 months.  So for those members who are not on the list, please rejoin so you can have full access to the web site and at least receive the November issue of the MAINSHEET.
> Cheers, Steve O- Cat 38 Treasurer
> Last name	First name
> Adams	Julian
> Barr	Larry
> Bixby	Jonathan
> Buckner	Donald
> Busteed	Jim
> DeLong	Leslie
> Brokaw	Bob
> Brown	Marci
> Finn	Charles B
> Garber	Larry
> Gay	Philip
> Gilmore	Dick
> Grimes	Kerry
> Hansen	Rory
> Harpole	Patrick
> Harrison	Richard
> Haynes	Bill
> Howell	Howard L
> Hunter	Cliff
> Kilroy	Richard
> Kirby	Bob
> Knowles	William
> Kopylow	George
> Launie	Joseph
> Lewis	Mark
> Malmberg	Larry
> Miller	Daniel
> Miller	Scott
> Nagle	Christopher
> Orton	Steve
> Ribble	Steven
> Ryan	David
> Schrenkeisen	Stephan
> Seigenthaler	Daniel
> Severino	Donald
> Smolinske	Stephen
> Sorensen	Jay
> Soto	Max
> Stammerjohn	Robert
> Stanton	Michael
> Steinkraus	Craig
> Stewart	Marc S
> Stoltz	David
> Strong	Don
> Sundquist	Michael
> Sutto	Ken
> Swensson	Richard
> Wordell	David
> Yost	Thomas
> Non US members	 
> Gouley	Bob
> Lagan	Peter
> Notte	Paul
> Skertchly	Martin
> Millar	Gary
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