[C38] rendezvous pics???

PAUL NOTTE panotte at shaw.ca
Mon Oct 3 19:48:07 EDT 2011

thank you well said
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Gay <eyriepg at comcast.net>
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011 11:07 am
Subject: Re: [C38] rendezvous pics???
To: 'Catalina 38 Listserve' <listserve at catalina38.org>

> Max and all,
> We will write up the rendezvous last weekend at Port Townsend 
> for the
> Mainsheet along with photos.  In the mean time I will give 
> the Listserve a
> brief summary of the weekend.  Four boats, Peregrine, Que 
> Linda, Santa
> Susanna, and Palancar, came from Washington and 2, Gusto and 
> Impulse, from
> British Columbia.  Linda(my wife) greated arriving boats 
> with a welcome bag
> of information and goodies.  Most of us dined out together 
> Friday night and
> Peregrine arrived later at 9:30pm.  All of us saw south 
> winds gusting to 35
> kts on Friday with the WA boat enjoying the wind off their 
> sterns.  The BC
> boats had a tougher time with the winds forward but did 
> well.  Gusto was
> single handed across the Straits of Juan de Fuca.
> Saturday was as beautiful a day as Friday and we had an 
> organized "open
> boat" show and tell on Saturday morning.  Several of the 
> boats had wonderful
> customized features.  I saw several things that I wanted 
> for my boat.  One
> of the most interesting was Palancar's raised aft cockpit locker 
> which made
> room for a large propane locker as well as raising the seat to 
> usable level.
> Saturday afternoon was informal visit time and sightseeing 
> beautiful Port
> Townsend.  On Saturday night we used the port's Marina room 
> for a delightful
> pot luck dinner and Steve Smolinske talked about his Trans Pac 
> adventure.  I
> have never met a more congenial group of people and I would 
> gladly cruise
> with any of them.
> Saturday night late the shrieking winds to 30 kts forebode the 
> next day and
> we woke up to 15-20 knot winds in the Marina.  The winds 
> while departing our
> slips required great skill on the skippers.  This time 
> boats heading back to
> WA ports had the wind on their bow.  We tied in a double 
> reef in the main
> sail and motorsailed back south in Admiralty Inlet.  There 
> were gale force
> conditions in effect and winds were predicted at 20-30 kts 
> easing to 15-20
> kts.  The water was best described as a washing machine 
> with wind opposing
> current making the waves steep and close together.  Add to 
> that, rips that
> occur near the points of land the trip south were extremely 
> challenging.Many times the 3-5 foot waves were at 90 degrees to 
> each other.  Instead of
> easing, the winds increased to 25-35 kts with gusts to 40 
> kts.  In short the
> WA boats made it safely home or to an alternate port after 
> finding more
> places that water can come into the boat than we ever 
> imagined.  For
> example, even with the main hatched closed we got salt water in 
> our ice box.
> The BC boats made it across the open water of the Strait with 
> winds abaft,
> but with difficult seas, elected to take shelter at Friday 
> Harbor on San
> Juan Island.  The experience was invaluable and I'm glad 
> that I did it, but
> I don't ever want to do it again.  We were never in fear 
> for our lives and
> the reefed mainsail eliminated rolling, but trying to steer 
> through the
> confused seas was exhausting.  Even with foul weather gear 
> we took several
> bucket loads of water down our backs.  Fortunately the day 
> was mostly sunny
> with a mild temp in the high 60s. The other skippers have very 
> interestingstories to tell but I'll leave it up to them whether 
> they place them in the
> Mainsheet or on the Listserve.
> The rendezvous was a great experience and despite the trips to 
> and from was
> worth every bit of effort.  We plan to do it again year 
> after next.
> Phil Gay
> C38 049 Que Linda
> Everett WA 
> From: listserve-bounces at catalina38.org
> [mailto:listserve-bounces at catalina38.org] On Behalf Of Max Soto
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:27 PM
> To: Catalina 38 Listserve
> Subject: [C38] rendezvous pics???
> Somebody please upload some pics on the site from the last 
> rendezvous!!!!!
> The ones that have lots of envy for not being there want at 
> least, to look
> at some of your pics!!!
> Speaking of envy,  I just bought a complete brand new 
> raymarine speed and
> depht system (displays, tranducers, manuals, wires, etc... for 
> $120!!! how
> about that??? 
> I just need the wind display and I'll be set!!
> Regards, 
> -- 
> Max Soto
> C38 #198 ESTANCIA
> Puntarenas, Costa Rica

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