[C38] Bottom paint longevity

S Orton ssorton at hotmail.com
Tue May 28 12:53:46 EDT 2013

 My diver reported to me that the bottom surface was in excellent condition, which blows me away.  The boat was moved from Southern Cal in the Spring of 2009 by truck to the Puget Sound and two coats + of Pettit Vivid were put on.  I am going into my 4th year of the bottom paint.  In San Diego area I was painting the bottom with Vivid every other year.  Granted the bottom was scrubbed more often- every other month during the racing season, where in the the Sound it is twice a year. The water temp in San Diego is 55-60 F, where in the Sound is 45-50 F.  It is hard to believe 10 F makes that much difference.  What are the experiences of the members?Thanks,  Steve O (Santa Susanna, 304)   		 	   		  
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