[C38] For those of you who purchased the Zarcor Sternperch seats for your Catalina 38

Charles Finn Charles at finn.ws
Mon Feb 18 12:31:50 EST 2019

Zarcor did not know their seat design required the legs to rest on the 
stern lazzerette cover.  This stopped many of us from using the stern 
storage area (even though it is quite small).
I have been discussing this with the Zarcor folks who are committed to 
the idea that they need to satisfy customers and they have come up with 
a solution.  It is a new leg mount that allows the leg to be removed by 
simply pulling a pin and taking off the leg.  Access to stern seat 
storage should take only a minute with this modification.

I you want this modification, contact Zarcor and tell them you have a 
Catalina 38.  They have told me they would be happy to send the 
modification to any who ask!

Hope this helps those of us who love the stern seats but need every bit 
of storage available on our beautiful boats!

Chuck Finn
Catalina 38 International Association
Mighty Quinn,  #114
Great Lakes

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