[C38] Bottom paint

Charles Finn Charles at finn.ws
Sat Jul 16 11:35:05 EDT 2022

Unfortunately, there is no best bottom paint as temperature, salinity, 
pollution, currents, boat use, etc. all affect the paint life on our 
boats.....   Best to ask around your area with boat owners with similar 
issues.  Marinas (not just one) are a good option as they hear the good 
and bad from customers.

Chuck Finn
Mighty Quinn  #114
Great Lakes where this is much less of a problem!

On 7/15/2022 7:01 PM, Pierre Patino wrote:
> I've been using /*Interlux**Micron*/ /*66*/ (red) for the last few 
> years. I manage to get three years out of each double-coat 
> application. Boat's always on saltwater. I'm open to suggestions though.
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 3:03 PM Max Soto <maxsoto at gmail.com 
> <mailto:maxsoto at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     O might be old school, but Ive always use Petit Trinidad. I’m on a
>     river with brackish water, and that’s the one with best results. 
>     Just my two cents!
>     Max Soto A
>     +506-8312-1367
>>     On Jul 6, 2022, at 15:28, 1derful at comcast.net
>>     <mailto:1derful at comcast.net> wrote:
>>     Time comes for bottom paint........any thoughts on brand or type
>>     Patrick Harpole
>>     Blue Eyes
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