[C38] Looking for Bob

Bron Taoras taorasbk at aol.com
Sun Oct 15 14:14:57 EDT 2023

Google Catalina 38 71225 and some race results for the boat show up.  But no Bob.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 15, 2023, at 1:31 PM, Pierre Patino <pierre.patino at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> While spending some time at my local yacht club, two ladies came to the bar asking if any "old timers" were around. They were looking for someone they had met 30 years ago. They had a few pictures from that era and one that caught my eye was the one of the sail.
> <sail.jpg>
> Perhaps someone here recognizes this sail? (Golden Gate Bridge or the Bay Bridge in San Francisco).
> I'm enclosing a photo of Bob. He's the one on the left:
> <bob.jpg>
> The sail photo was taken near San Francisco or Half Moon Bay.
> Anyways, it's a long shot but serendipity may strike again.
> Cheers
> <sail.jpg>
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