© 2006 - Catalina 38 Association  
Designed and maintained by Charles Finn

Joining the Catalina 38 International Association is easy and the benefits are well worth $25.00 per year! Members recieve Mainsheet magazine, which has regular articles about our beautiful boat and the Association. You will also see articles about maintenance and refits as well as discussions about racing, cruising and communications from the Catalina folks. In addition, you will be included in the select group of sailors who determine priorities and direction for the Catalina 38 International Association. Please fill out the form below and send it with your check (Payable to Catalina 38 International Association) to:

Joseph Launie
1165K Tunnel Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93105

Name: ____________________________

Address: __________________________

City: _______________ State: ___ Zip: _____

Phone: (___) ____ - _______

Email: _____________________

Boat Name: ___________________

Hull # _______________________

Port: ________________________



By the way, your information will not be shared with any group!