[C38] suggestions sailmakers, new headsail C38

D. R. Strong drstrong at ucdavis.edu
Sun Jul 8 14:25:55 EDT 2007

Dear Group.
Karin and I blew out our 15 year old 110% North headsail yesterday. It 
gave us 5 good years of sailing and previous owners in the aggregate 
similarly fine service, I'm sure. We were doing 8.5 knots passing 
Alcatraz on a close reach in 24 knots of wind (the rail was no more than 
2 inches above the bow wave!) when the dramatic moment occurred; boom 
and  a cloud of thread!
Suggestions of sailmakers for replacements appreciated. I see that the 
catalina yachts website offers a 110% with #6 luff tape for our Harken 
furler at a cost of about $2400 + tax. This seems to be about as low as 
I can find on line.
thanx, don

Don and Karin Strong
Discreet Charm, C38
Emery Cove, SF Bay, CA

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