[C38] To polish or not to polish

Steve Smolinske SSmolinske at rainierrubber.com
Mon Aug 4 16:55:12 EDT 2008

On our trip we hit a stretch of motoring for about 4 hours where the bow
was in the water as much as it was out.  To say the least the tank got
pretty welled stirred up, the next day our fuel supply was plagued with
lots of water causing us to loose power 5 or 6 times, until I went down,
drained the bowl, bleed the engine and waited for the next time it cut
out.   When we got to port I changed the filter which after 15 hours was
black and full of organic material.   Before starting home at the end of
the week I changed the filter again and this time it looked like you
would expect after only a 10 hours of use.  My question is for comments
on peoples experiences and thoughts about polishing the tank.  It is in
the yard right now having a bracket fabricated for the heat exchanger
which broke during the trip as well.  My two thoughts are to 1) install
access ports in tank and polish the tank,  or 2) filter the fuel that is
in the tank, and buy a big supply of primary and secondary filters.   I
like the second option just from the expense side of the equation.  Im
also considering installing a Y from the fuel pump to two separate
secondary filters, that way in the future should similar problems arise,
I can while under power just switch from one filter to the next without
loosing the engine.  Thanks All. 
Steve Smolinske
Peregrine #312
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