[C38] Phil sails to the Bahamas

D. R. Strong drstrong at ucdavis.edu
Mon Dec 15 08:31:06 EST 2008

Phil: Damn I envy you. 40 deg. F and raining here in San Francisco Bay. Don

phil wrote:
> If all goes well, or even so-so, we're out of here tomorrow for about five weeks in the Bahamas.  The only boat issue remaining is the four month old knot of ground tackle we're hanging on.  Spent two sessions freediving the mess this afternoon and simplified it somewhat.  Since the only spot in Tarpon Basin deep enough for us has a glass smooth bottom, I had to place a bunch of concrete and run my anchors through it.  These we proceded to drag aroud the basin over the last four months.  We'll post some photos when we return.

Donald R. Strong
Section of Evolution and Ecology
University of California Davis
530 752 7886

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