[C38] Battery Voltage

Steve Smolinske SSmolinske at rainierrubber.com
Mon Sep 21 01:20:36 EDT 2009

I've been doing some research and cant find what Im looking for, so Ill throw it out to the group.  for my start battery I have a 12v lead/acid, for the house bank two 6 volts in series.  Nice new voltage meter installed in the panel so I can see the state of charge.  Charged them up last night and today,  The start battery settled in three hours later at 12.6 and the house bank 12.9.  I have found info  all over the net stating fully charged batteries should be 12.7, 13.1 or 13.5 first question is which should it be?  Second is why do I get a .1 difference when looking at the panel read out versus a multimeter on the terminals......the multimeter reads lower.   As always thanks. 
Peregrine #312
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