[C38] Attn. West Coast sailors

mncameron at att.net mncameron at att.net
Mon Mar 1 20:54:07 EST 2010

 I haven't done the trip but I know several people who have, and none would do it again in July or August.  By July the winds have changed to predominantly out of the North or NW in the OR, WA area.   April and May are much better months to head north, the winds will not be on your nose the whole time, but it will be cold.  Many folks do head west to Hawaii and then head for Vancouver to avoid the long slog against the wind going up the coast .  Going south that time of year is downhill, hence all the folks going to Baja then and returning the following late spring. 


  -------------- Original message from <ssorton at sbcglobal.net>: --------------

This summer during July/August I'm contemplating sailing our boat from Southern California North to Puget Sound- some 1450 miles.  The distance actually traveled could be twice the point to point distance due head winds.  My question to the Cat 38 group is, does anybody have experience making this trip?  Do you follow the coast putting into 3 or 4 ports, or sail westerly and make a right return?
Thank you for any advice,  Steve Orton (Santa Susanna- # 304)
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