[C38] bad injector on Universal 5424

Tom T. tdtron at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 23 21:10:09 EDT 2010

Hi Jonathan,

When I bought my 38  17 yrs ago, I had the same injector problems you describe.

I removed all three injectors and took each apart, cleaned the parts well and reassembled them.

When I put them back in the engine, the engine cranked and ran like a new engine and without any noticeable smoke.  You will need to manually prime the injectors by cracking the fuel rail nuts at the injectors or you could destroy your starter waiting for the injectors to prime on their own.

It's been a very long time since I cleaned my injectors and I no longer remember any details about the procedure but I don't remember anything very difficult about the procedure either.

I have respect for Nigel Calder so I hate to advise you wrong but I can't imagine what he was alarmed about with working on the injectors if you have basic mechanical skills.  Just keep everything clean because if you leave anything in the injectors, they could clog big time.  This includes lint from your cleaning rag or anything else that could be forced into the injector orifice once the fuel is delivered to the injector.  There is incredible fuel pressure on those injectors and that pressure will force any trash into the injector orifices possibly causing them to clog.

Good luck,
Tom Troncalli

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jonathan Whitney 
To: listserve at catalina38.org
Sent: 3/23/2010 8:44:16 PM 
Subject: [C38] bad injector on Universal 5424

First, wanted to thank all of you who responded to my last question about heat exchangers (all very helpful - many thanks!)  However, once that got fixed, new issues presented themselves (naturally).  When I turn the engine on, there is lots of grey smoke from exhaust (which has been occuring) AND smoke actually emitting from the center injector (noticeable stream coming directly from the housing holding the injector - this is new).  If the injector were bad/dirty it would certainly explain both problems.  The problem is, I have never removed injectors before and am unsure how to proceed.  Some sources seem to say, just remove them and get them cleaned (or rebuilt if they need to be) - however in Nigel Calder's book, he is adamant about not touching injectors unless its the absolute last resort - and to get a diesel mechanic to address it.  My question is:  

-has anyone else had similar problems of smokey injectors?
-what would likely cause this to happen?
-is this a direct sign of need of replacement or is cleaning possible?
-should all 3 injectors be treated equally or is it ok to just remove and clean the noticeably faulty one?
-is it time to call a mechanic, or can I safely proceed (without special tools) and not cause damage

Any information/help would be greatly appreciated 

Many many thanks,
Jon Whitney

Hull #54 "Kuu Haku"
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