[C38] America's Cup, yes!

Steve Smolinske SSmolinske at rainierrubber.com
Sat Feb 19 00:17:41 EST 2011

Great Idea!
#312 Peregrine


From: listserve-bounces at catalina38.org on behalf of Don Strong
Sent: Fri 2/18/2011 2:59 PM
To: Catalina 38 Listserve
Subject: Re: [C38] America's Cup, yes!

Hey C38ers: This is a great idea. The spectator fleet positions have been posted. I'm attaching a figure from Latitude 38, which as an America's Cup tab.

On 2/18/11 2:15 PM, Chuck Finn wrote: 

	With the Americas Cup trials in 2012 and the big race in 2013 happening in San Francisco, I propose we organize a C38 event around this.  What we do is completely up in the air, but given it is San Francisco....  I bet we can have a great time!  Why don't we start saving and planning for such and event?
	What do all of you think about a gathering around America's Cup?
	Chuck Finn
	Catalina 38 International Association
	On 2/18/2011 8:03 AM, Steven Ribble wrote: 

		I agree with Joe that we have a relatively small surplus at the moment and, that [we] could use some promotion or other activity to 1) bolster our membership and/or 2) maintain the perceived value/desirability of [our] classic yachts.  I specifically use "classic" here because we have we have a vessel that has widespread visual recognition and timeless, graceful lines...and as we all know they are well built and will last long into the future. 

		I would propose that $25 is affordable and a non-burden, even in this economy.  Given that, that we should continue at this dues amount at least for another year and use the year to form a strategy which leverages some amount of our "surplus" to the benefit of the fleet.  

		Steve Ribble
		Tittravate, #64
		On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Joseph Launie <jlaunie at cox.net> wrote:

			    Do not cut the dues. The surplus is relatively small for an organization like ours. I would suggest the spending of a prudent amount of money on promotion of the fleet. We could make a list of major boat shows and get volunteers in the area to man a booth. (Catalina formerly had one that provided us space free for the Anapolis show I did). We could make up a poster and flyers. The more members we get - the more our data base of experiences. There were 366 38's built so our market penetration is still low. Joe Launie/Macavity
			On 2/17/2011 11:22 AM, S Orton wrote: 

				Ahoy All,
				This is your humble treasurer speaking.  I am soliciting your dues ($25) via email this year.  For those who joined at mid year and paid full price ($25), please email me so I can give your prorated dues for 2011(ssorton at hotmail.com).  I will wait about 30 days and send out snail mail reminders to those who didn't respond to the email request.   
				At present our treasurery stands at $2051.97.  Our annual expenses are $800 to $900 for the MAINSHEET member subscriptions and about $120 for our web server provider.  The rest goes to promote our beloved boats- like the Cat 38 Nationals, which there is also an entry fee.  We presently have 65 members which five are are Canadian neighbors and one off shore.  So doing the math (65 x $25 = $1625), we are collecting to much money.  So we need to get a National's going, maybe in other areas beside the sunny So. Cal or have regional get-to-gether's, say for 5 or more boats.  These events need to be planned in advance!  Other wise we need to cut the dues.  Any of you skippers have suggestions or ideals, if so please speak up??
				My mailing address is, until May:
				 Steve Orton, Cat 38
				 29651 Wilhite Ln.
				 Valley Center, CA. 92082
				May thru December:
				 10611 SE Cisco Rd.
				 Port Orchard, WA. 98367
				Thanks for your support.
				Cheers, Steve    

	Listserve mailing list
	Listserve at catalina38.org

Donald R. Strong
Dept. of Evolution and Ecology
University of California, Davis 95616
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