[C38] Need vote for dodger design

les hlhowell at pacbell.net
Thu Jan 12 13:59:09 EST 2012

Hi, Max,
	That was magic!!!! 
	Just kidding.  
	I put eyes on the cabin top just behind the canvas partitions
supporting the zipper for the middle panel of the window.  I added fold
on eyes on the forward dodger frame, and connected the two eyes on each
side with 3/4" stainless tubing with end eyes.  Then I drilled through
the end caps for the eyes and thrubolted them to prevent them from
slipping (I don't know how to weld, and couldn't afford to have someone
do it.  Use the really hard bits for stainless and you should be able to
get through the cap and tubing all four times without too much trouble.)
Then I added a large piece of wood to the top of the dodger that I used
to hold the solar panels (1x6 TEAK).  This was clamped to the dodger
tube on the front center and back center, and thru bolted.  I will
attempt to do a 3d drawing for you that will help understand how this
all works.  But basically the top is now stretched between the two bows
by the wood, and held down by posts at the front hidden behind the
canvass on each side of the main window.

Les H
On Mon, 2012-01-09 at 12:07 -0600, Max Soto wrote:
> ok, I guess option C is the winner.
> I based that design on Steve S. dodger looks.. Iverson design, what
> could go wrong?
> Last weekend I was cutting and installing the frames, and noticed some
> potential problems, like none of the  winch handles on the cabin top
> won't make a full revolution,  so I installed the frames on the cabin
> side instead of the top for more room. I gain 2" on each side and
> still looks ok. Then, with the aft frame on position, installed 63"
> above the cockpit floor (+1" diameter tube=64" total), that the
> primary winch handle also, won't make a full revolution (as Mark noted
> a month ago). So my options are removable side panels or a very short
> side panels.. I don't now if in warm days, it will help to remove as
> much as possible from the dodger. Never been on a boat with one
> installed! The front window will have a zipper so I can open it.
> The other concern is the change in direction on the lowest part of the
> front window, right below the traveller. I have to redirect it forward
> to the hatch cover. Some people are using some kind of rail or strut
> for a tighter fit. When I checked Les's dodger on Jace, the dodger was
> a perfect fit without anything holding it down, but it was made by a
> professional, so I'll try to do it like it, and if I don't like the
> result, I install something to hold it in place like the options I
> have seen in some of your dodgers..

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