[C38] Purchasing a Catalina 38 (maybe)

Joseph Launie jlaunie at cox.net
Sat Sep 8 01:41:20 EDT 2007

David L Ryan wrote:
> Hello Catalina 38 People,
> We've been casting about, looking for a boat to be our Summer cottage  
> and Winter get-away vehicle, and it looks like maybe we've found our  
> boat in the form of a 1979 Catalina 38.
> 'll be giving the boat thorogh going over before deciding whether or  
> not I want to take the next step and get a pre-purchase survey. I am  
> hoping that the collective wisdom of this list might quickly get me  
> up to speed on the known trouble spots on this boat.
> Thanks in advance!
> David Ryan
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    I guess I should jump in here. First, if you buy a C-38 I hope you 
will join the International Assn. Your $25 a year helps keep us going. 
The C-38 hull and deck are way overbuilt so you will have no problems 
there. The mast is also overbuilt but a 1979 should have had the 
standing and running rigging replaced. The engine may have been 
re-powered but boat engines can be easily surveyed so you know where you 
stand there.  The boat has no fundamental problems as between Olin 
Steven's basic design and Catalina's overbuilding - it is pretty 
remarkable giving reason for its popularity.  You might want to examine 
the windows for leaks but in the overall scheme of things, if you have 
to re-do them you are not talking big dollars. Former racing boats tend 
to have lots of racing gear which can be useful. Do not worry about the 
boat having been overstressed - we have raced Macavity for 15 years 
since she was commissioned without problems and have taken more than one 
hairy knockdown in over 30 knots. The last time the oven door flew open 
and a long forgotten dish launched itself across the cabin like a 
missile. It was easier to pick up when it landed being in two pieces and 
all. Good luck with your boat. if you want - call me at 805-569-9175 or 
contact me on my email at jlaunie at cox.net if you have any specific 
questions you want answered. Joe Launie, Macavity, Commodore, C-38 
Internatl Assn.

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