[C38] Head Liner Joining to the deck

Steve Smolinske SSmolinske at rainierrubber.com
Mon Sep 15 15:59:41 EDT 2008

Hello all, 
I am curious on the head liner construction/join to the deck?  Is there
space between the two or are they sandwiched together?  I recently
removed all the windows and resealed them, in the process I removed the
venetian style blinds that were inside the cabin.   These blinds are
attached at the top as you would expect and have a wire running through
the blinds which is attached to a screw that is fastened in the side
wall below the window.   When removing the blind on the port forward
window I removed the screw holding the wire in place and water poured
out of the hole for 1-2 seconds.   I am trying to visualize what type of
cavity is behind there to hold water and how large it might be.  I would
think that if there is a space any water should drain outboard and then
against the hull and into the bilge.   Or is constructed so that there
could be any number of pockets depending on the glue seems holding it to
the deck.    The area where the hole came out is very close to the aft
lower chain plate.   Thanks.   
Steve Smolinske
4M Company, Inc.
15660 Nelson Place South
Seattle, WA  98188
www.rainierrubber.com <http://www.rainierrubber.com/> 
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