[C38] New members joining thru PayPal

S Orton ssorton at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 7 12:15:55 EDT 2011

The following new members have joined the Cat 38 Assiciation, paying through PayPal up to 3/28/11:
  Larry Barr, Angelika Millar, Max Soto, Pierre Patino, Craig Steinkraus, Bill Haynes, Donald Severino, Stephan Schrenkeinsen and Robert Brokaw
All the above are free to obtain your Cat 38 Web login from the Webmaster- Anders Finn.  When you joined, you gave your mailing address and other info.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to retrieve this info for the membership address's from the secure web site, which I need to send by 4/10/11 to the MAINSHEET magazine so you can start your quarterly subscription.  Please be patient with us and if I can't get your address's in time, I'll give you credit for joining in the third quarter of this year on next years dues, instead of the second quarter.
Thank you new members for your support.
Steve Orton, treasurer
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